Изучение английского в американской школе.

американская школа

Как Ваш сын понимает что говорят в школе? Или может он английский выучил?
из письма

Детям иностранные языки даются легче. Я это поняла на примере моего сына.
Когда мы приехали в Америку, я не понимала американцев , кроме моего мужа, когда он разговаривал со мной медленно простыми словами, которые я знала.
Никита понимал немного, ведь он учил английский в школе. Но понимал только самые простые фразы. Я вспоминаю, как мы едем куда-нибудь (в маркет, в химчистку, шины менять...) Билл сказал нам что-то , но мы не поняли. Сто раз переспрашивать не хочется. Я говорю....
- Никита, ты понял, куда мы едем?
- Нет..
- Я тоже... Ладно, поймем, когда приедем.
Но мой сын пошел в школу. Так как здесь много иммигрантов, то в школе существует такая система. Сначала ребенка тестируют на знание языка и определяют уровень группы для детей, для которых английский - второй язык. Мне очень нравится это название.
Оно говорит, что человек знает один язык и изучает второй. Уважительно.
Никита волновался, конечно, определили его в начальную группу.
На все остальные уроки он ходил с обычными американцами. Хочешь - не хочешь, а понимай. Первый год у него была помощница, учительница, к которой он мог всегда обратиться.
Американская школа очень отличается от российской , эти порядки он должен
соблюдать. А у него, то локер не открывался, то по школьному телевидению что-то объявляли, а он не понял. Это учительница ему помогала.
В начальной группе он занимался меньше месяца, потом перешел в следующую, а в 7 класс уже пошел на обычный английский язык с обычными американцами.
Как здесь обучают английскому, как второму языку?
Никакой грамматики в нашем понимании. Читают, читают, читают, разговаривают, пишут, рисуют. Используют словари с картинками.
Я в своих уроках даю несколько текстов, которые Никита принес из школы
Я помню, как мой сын недели через три, как начал учиться, рассказывал нам с Биллом, какие штаты он знает, что где производят, про природу... Он говорил больше часа, я понимала только чуть-чуть.
Кроме того , он пересмотрел все фильмы, которые были, по несколько раз.
Книги начал читать сразу на английском.
Его приятели говорят, что акцент еще есть небольшой.
Он мне говорит все время...
Сейчас у нас задача. чтобы он русский не забыл. А это возможно.
Мои выводы - дети могут выучить язык методом погружения.
Моя русская знакомая работает няней в русской семье и рассказывает мне иногда, что один ребенок, которому 4 с половиной года сейчас, неохотно говорит по-русски, потому что научился английскому от телевизора. Родителям, видимо некогда было разговаривать с ним. Они взяли русскую няню, чтобы научить ребенка русскому. Он он переходит на английский сразу, как только возможно. Второй маленький ребенок начинает говорить английские и русские слова вперемешку, которое легче, то и запоминает. Например.
Мяч сказать труднее, чем БОЛ.
Ваши дети могут выучить английский, если будут смотреть мультики и фильмы на английском. Я считаю, что это гораздо лучше, чем пытаться называть предметы по-английски, как это делают многие родители. Чаще всего это заканчивается довольно быстро, да и пользы приносит немного. Лучше дайте послушать ребенку настоящую речь носителей языка, а потом уже можете .разговаривать с ними по-английски
А ВОТ ВЗРОСЛЫМ ОЧЕНЬ ТРУДНО ПОГРУЗИТЬСЯ!  Мы не можем, как дети, просто повторять очень много раз. Причем наш  мозг требует от нас полной ясности, почему так, а дети просто повторяют и запоминают. Но и взрослые могут освоить иностранный язык, об этом я и пишу в моем блоге.

                                      About USA

Interesting facts
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                                             Halloween is coming....

20 цікавих фактів про англійську мову

1. В англійській мові існує коректне речення з 8 однакових слів поспіль і без знаків пунктуації: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Перекласти його можна так: "Бізони з Баффало, налякані іншими бізонами з Баффало, лякають бізонів з Баффало".
2. Англійське слово slave (раб), має пряме відношення до слов'ян: у стародавні часи німецькі племена продавали представників слов'янських племен в рабство римлянам.

3. Найкоротше речення в англійській мові складається всього з трьох літер: I am.

4. А найкоротший осмислений вислів англійською - "Go".

5. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - так звучить найдовше слово в англійській мові. Це медичний термін, що позначає одне з захворювань дихальних шляхів.

6. Англійське слово "set" є рекордсменом за кількістю значень: 44 основних значення для дієслова, 17 основних значень для іменника і 7 основних значень для прикметника!

7. В англійській є чотири слова, які не мають жодної рими: month, orange, silver, purple.

8. "Almost" - найдовше слово англійської мови, в якому всі букви розташовані в алфавітному порядку.

9. Слово"queue" - єдине слово, чия вимова не зміниться, якщо прибрати останні 4 літери.

10. Англійська мова, всупереч усталеній думці - не найпоширеніша мова в світі! Пальму першості тримає китайська мова, друге місце займає іспанська, ну а англійській належить лише скромна бронза.

11. В англійській мові назви всіх континентів закінчуються на ту ж літеру, з якої починаються.

12. Англійська мова - зовсім не "бідна", як то прийнято вважати! За підрахунками вчених, словниковий склад англійської мови є найбільшим у світі і налічує близько 800 000 слів.

13. Американський президент Бенджамин Франклін зібрав більше 200 синонімів слова "п'яний" (англ. drunk), включаючи такі "шедеври" як "cherry - merry", "nimptopsical" і "soaked".

14. Слово "typewriter" - найдовше слово, яке можна набрати на клавіатурі в одному (верхньому) ряду.

15. "E" - найчастіша літера в англійській мові

16. Англійські слова "salary" (заробітна плата) і "salad" (салат) походять від латинського "sal" (сіль). Перше слово виникло через те, що римським солдатам видавали дозвіл на купівлю солі, а друге - через те, що римляни любили солити зелень.

17. Крапка над літерою i називається "tittle" ("крапелька").

18. Англійською написано понад 70 % сторінок в інтернеті.

19. У штаті Іллінойс США, незаконно говорити англійською. Офіційно визнаною мовою є "американська".

20. Поки Ви читаєте цей текст, 700 мільйонів осіб в усьому світі вивчає англійську мову.

The story of the United Kingdom and the Union Flag.

The Union Flag, popularly known as the Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is the British flag.

It is called the Union Flag because it symbolises the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom. It is made up up of the individual Flags of three of the Kingdom's countries all united under one Sovereign - the countries of 'England, of 'Scotland' and of 'Northern Ireland' (since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom). As Wales was not a Kingdom but a Principality it could not be included on the flag.

Great Britain is an island lying to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest in Europe. With a population of approximately 58.9 million people, it is the third most populated island on Earth after Java and Honshū. It occupies an area of 209,331 km² (80,823 square miles). Ireland is to its west, and it is surrounded by over 1000 smaller islands and islets.

Great Britain stretches over about ten degrees of latitude on its longer, north – south axis. Geographically, the island is marked by low, rolling countryside in the east and south, while hills and mountains predominate in the western and northern regions.

It makes up the largest part of the territory of the sovereign state the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the term Great Britain is sometimes used inaccurately to mean the United Kingdom. England, Scotland and Wales are mostly situated on the island, along with their capital cities, London, Edinburgh and Cardiff respectively.

Карта Великобритании

The Kingdom of Great Britain was the state resulting from the political union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland on 1 May, 1707 under Queen Anne. It existed until 1801 when Great Britain and Ireland united. The resulting United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland became the modern United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1922 with the secession of the Irish Free State.

Great Britain is the eastern island of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Politically, Great Britain also refers to England, Scotland and Wales in combination, and therefore also includes a number of outlying islands such as the Isle of Wight, Anglesey, the Isles of Scilly, the Hebrides, and the island groups of Orkney and Shetland. It does not include the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands as they are not part of the United Kingdom, with independent legislative and taxation systems.

The union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland began with the 1603 Union of Crowns, a personal union under James VI of Scotland, I of England. The political union that joined the two countries happened in 1707, with the Acts of Union merging the parliaments of each nation, and forming the Kingdom of Great Britain, which covered the entire island.

In 1801, an Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland created the larger United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (UK). This in turn became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1922, following the partition of Ireland and the creation of the Irish Free State.

The terms Great Britain and England are sometimes mistakenly used to denote the United Kingdom. This error can be compared with the use of the term Russia to refer to the former USSR.


The United States of America (commonly referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to its east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories, or insular areas, in the Caribbean and Pacific.

At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km²) and with about 306 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area, and third largest by land area and by population. The United States is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries.The U.S. economy is the largest national economy in the world, with an estimated 2008 gross domestic product (GDP) of US $14.3 trillion (23% of the world total based on nominal GDP and almost 21% at purchasing power parity).

Карта USA

The nation was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard. On July 4, 1776, they issued the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed their independence from Great Britain and their formation of a cooperative union. The rebellious states defeated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first successful colonial war of independence. The Philadelphia Convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17, 1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic with a strong central government. The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedoms, was ratified in 1791.

In the 19th century, the United States acquired land from France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Russia, and annexed the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Hawaii. Disputes between the agrarian South and industrial North over states’ rights and the expansion of the institution of slavery provoked the American Civil War of the 1860s. The North’s victory prevented a permanent split of the country and led to the end of legal slavery in the United States. By the 1870s, the national economy was the world’s largest. The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the country’s status as a military power. In 1945, the United States emerged from World War II as the first country with nuclear weapons, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, and a founding member of NATO. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union left the United States as the sole superpower. The country accounts for approximately 50% of global military spending and is a leading economic, political, and cultural force in the world.

Canada is a country in North America consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean. At 9.98 million square kilometres in total, Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area. Its common border with the United States is the world's longest land border shared by the same two countries.

The land that is now Canada has been inhabited for millennia by various Aboriginal peoples. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French colonies were established on the region's Atlantic coast. As a consequence of various conflicts, the United Kingdom gained and lost North American territories until left, in the late 18th century, with what mostly comprises Canada today. Pursuant to the British North America Act, on July 1, 1867 three colonies joined to form the autonomous federal dominion of Canada. This began an accretion of provinces and territories to the new self-governing dominion. In 1931, Britain granted Canada full independence in most matters with the Statute of Westminster 1931. The Canada Act 1982 severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.

Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The country is officially bilingual at the federal level. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries, with a population of approximately 35 million as of December 2012. Its advanced economy is one of the largest in the world, relying chiefly upon its abundant natural resources and well-developed trade networks. Canada's long and complex relationship with the United States has had a significant impact on its economy and culture.

Canada is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world, with the eighth highest per capita income globally, and the eighth highest ranking in the Human Development Index. It ranks among the highest in international measurements of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic freedom, and education, and stands among the world's most educated countries- ranking first worldwide in the number of adults having tertiary education with 51% of adults having attained at least an undergraduate college or university degree (according to the OECD 2012 survey).[10] Canada's participation in economic international and intergovernmental institutions or groupings includes the G8 (Group of Eight); the Group of Ten (economic); the Group of Twenty (G-20 major economies); the North American Free Trade Agreement; and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. Canada's alliances include the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world’s smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania, and numerous other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.

For around 40,000 years before European settlement commenced in the late 18th century, the Australian mainland and Tasmania were inhabited by around 250 individual nations of indigenous Australians. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the immediate north, and European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606, the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, founded on 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in the following years; the continent was explored, and during the 19th century another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established.

Карта Австралии

On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The population is just over 21.7 million, with approximately 60% concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. The nation’s capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Technologically advanced and industrialised, Australia is a prosperous multicultural country and has excellent results in many international comparisons of national performance such as health care, life expectancy, quality-of-life, human development, public education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights. Australian cities also routinely rank among the world´s highest in terms of livability, cultural offerings, and quality of life. It is a member of the United Nations, G-20 major economies, Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, OECD, and the WTO.

New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (commonly called the North Island and the South Island), and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Māori named New Zealand Aotearoa, commonly translated as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue (self-governing but in free association); Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand’s territorial claim in Antarctica).

Карта Новой Зеландии

New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation: it is situated about 2000 km (1250 miles) southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. During its long isolation New Zealand developed a distinctive fauna dominated by birds, a number of which became extinct after the arrival of humans and the mammals they introduced.

The population of New Zealand is mostly of European descent; the indigenous Māori are the largest minority. Asians and non-Māori Polynesians are also significant minority groups, especially in the urban areas.

Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the country’s head of state and is represented by a non-partisan Governor-General. The Queen has no real political influence, and her position is essentially symbolic. Political power is held by the democratically elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister, who is the head of government.

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